My Daughter: A Teacher With Covid

(My daughter, Erin Taylor Koht, is a public school teacher who lives in Rescue, CA. She posted the following on Facebook on Nov. 24, 2020. I’m sharing it, proudly, with her permission. Please celebrate the holidays — all days — safely using your free will to share good will.)

“I don’t understand why no one can talk about their Covid diagnosis.

“I am Covid positive. I am a mom, wife, and a teacher. I told my class when I tested positive. Everyone has been awesome. I’ve had a few friends be harsh, but I believe it’s because they are scared. I have had families tell me I’m brave for telling them. Brave .... I’m not brave. The front-line workers are brave.

“ I just wanted to give my parents a peace of mind as they received an anonymous email that someone was positive. Why is this a secret? Why are people ashamed?

“I didn’t do anything to catch this or give this to my family. It’s a pandemic. Why can’t we take care of each other ... lift each other up.

“I know on (Thanksgiving) Thursday I’m giving thanks ... thanks for my family having the holiday together, thanks we are surviving this, and prayers to the families that have lost ... I feel thankful my family has survived this pandemic.

“Love and hug your family.”